Описание: Очень функциональная статистика для SourceMod. С возможностью использования MySQL.
---Функции: = Ранк игроков. = Фраги и смерти статистика. = Статистика точности. = Статистика оружия. = Ранк показывается в системе. = Статистика Попаданий. = Сыгранное время. = Статистика закладок бомбы и спасения заложников. = Статистика на текущей карты. = База данных SQLite. = Можно использовать с Web-интерфейса, поскольку он имеет систему экспорта. = База данных экспортируются в папку cstrike, rank.sql = Веб-интерфейс, может потребоваться веб-сервер с PHP и MySQL.
--- Опции: = Каждый игрок начинает с 1000 очков. = Для каждого убитого начисляется 2 очка, плюс 1 очко если разница между фрагами и смертями 100 очков. = После каждой смерти берется ту же сумму, что дается убийце. = Убийства с ножом удваивает точки и. = За закладку C4, дается 2 балла. = Если C4 взрывается, дается 2 балла. = За разминирование C4 дается 2 балла. = За спасение заложников дается 2 балла.
--- Команды: = session = statsme = hitboxme = weaponme = rank = next (on chat) / sm_next (on console, needed the change because there is already a ConCommand may be already registered as next) = top = top x (x - какое то число) = topknife = topknife x (x - какое то число) = resetmyrank
= Admin Commands (root flag): = resetrank STEAM:ID = rankpurge X (x - количество дней не активности) = resetrank_all
--- CVars: = rankme_version -> RankMe версия
Все квары можно найти тут cfg/sourcemod/rankme.cfg (конфиг автоматически создается при первом запуске сервера.)
= rankme_enabled -> Включить выключить RankMe? 1 = вкл. 0 = откл. По умолчанию 1. = rankme_rankbots -> Ранк для ботов? 1 = вкл. 0 = откл. По умолчанию 0. = rankme_silenttriggers -> Silent triggers? 1 = вкл. 0 = откл. По умолчанию 0.(сорри не смог перевести) = rankme_changes_chat -> Show points changes on chat? 1 = true 0 = false = rankme_autopurge -> Автоматическое удаление не активных игроков? X = Дней, 0 = Нет. = rankme_points_bomb_defused_team -> Количество очков команде за разминирование C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_bomb_defused_player -> Количество очков игроку за разминирование C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_bomb_planted_team -> Количество очков команде за закладку C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_bomb_planted_player -> Количество очков игроку за заложенную C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_bomb_exploded_team -> Количество очков команде за взорванную C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_bomb_exploded_player -> Количество очков игроку за взорванную C4? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_hostage_rescued_team -> Количество очков команде за спасенных заложников? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_hostage_rescued_player -> Количество очков игроку за спасенных заложников? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_hs -> Количество очков за HeadShot? По умолчанию 1. = rankme_points_kill_ct -> Количество очков CT получит за убийства? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_kill_tr -> Количество очков TR получит за убийства? По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_kill_bonus_ct -> How many points a CT got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? По умолчанию1. = rankme_points_kill_bonus_tr -> How many points a TR got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? Default 1. = rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_ct -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a CT to got the bonus? По умолчанию 100. = rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_tr -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a TR to got the bonus? По умолчанию 100. = rankme_points_ct_round_win -> How many points an alive CT got for winning the round? По умолчанию 0. = rankme_points_tr_round_win -> How many points an alive TR got for winning the round? По умолчанию 0. = rankme_points_knife_multiplier -> Multiplier of points by knife. По умолчанию 2. = rankme_points_start -> Стартовое количество очков. По умолчанию 1000. = rankme_minimal_kills -> Min убийств для учета ранка. По умолчанию 0. = rankme_no_points_lose -> No lose point? 1 -> Victim don't lose points 0-> Victim lose points. По умолчанию 0. = rankme_minimumplayers -> Max игроков до старта статистики очков. По умолчанию 2. = rankme_show_rank_all -> When rank command is used, show for all the rank of the player? 1 = true 0 = false. По умолчанию 0. = rankme_resetownrank -> Разрешить игрокам сбрасывать свой ранк? 1 = да 0 = нет. По умолчанию 0.
= V.0.9.0 (04/24/11): => First Release = V.1.0.0 (04/25/11): => Small fixes (Checking if client is equal 0, thanks Groger, and hitboxme not showing up, thanks krispx) and adding topknife = V.1.0.2 (04/26/11): => Fixes: = Now using SQL_EscapeString. Thanks psychonic = Fixed Rescued Hostage text. Thanks krispx = Fixed topknife. Showing wrong kills due to wrong SQL_FetchInt = V.1.1.0 (04/27/11): => Fixes: = Back to the old way of protecting SQL (replacing single quotes). SQL_EscapeString was bugging some names, making they empty. => Features: = Added the command next (on chat) and sm_next (on console). The explanation for the difference is on the post. = V.1.1.1 (04/28/11): => Added CVar rankme_version (mainly for tracking servers with it) = V.1.2.0 (04/28/11): => Features: = Added purge system (through command only, see above). = V.1.3.0 (04/29/11): => Features: = Added CVars asked by krispx. See above. = V.1.3.1 (04/29/11): => Fix: = Fixed small bug on CVars when loading plugin (stupid error). = V.1.3.2 (05/02/11): => Fix: = Fixed a bug that would cause the player not being ranked until re-entering the server, if the rankme_enabled cvar was 0 when he entered and then, changed to 1. (in other words, if player entered the game with RankMe disabled, and after this enabled, it wouldn't be ranked until re-entering the server). = V.1.3.3 (05/03/11): => Fixes: = Fixed some panels showing % (percent) on KDR or not showing KDR. = Added a check when inserting a player in the DB to see if it still on server. (preventing errors). Thanks bandit. = V.1.3.4 (05/04/11): => Fix: = Now checking if client is equal 0 before using IsFakeClient. Thanks bandit. = V.1.4.0 (05/06/11): => Features: = Added Translations. (now uses [INC] Colors) (Map change required for reloading translations) = Added Auto-Purge. (if you are upgrading from another version, please delete rankme.cfg) = V.1.4.1 (05/07/11): => Features: = Finished translations. (Map change required for reloading translations) = V.1.4.2 (05/07/11): => Fixes: = Fixed PT TimeConnected translation. (Map change required for reloading translations). = Panel Statsme (Rank line was like an item and Time Connected was wrong). = V.1.5.0 (05/08/11): => Features: = Added more CVars for customization. (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change). => Fix: = Fixed some PT translations. = V.1.5.1 (05/09/11): => Fix: = Fixed cvar with wrong default value (rankme_points_hs was 2. should be 1) = V.1.6.0 (05/10/11): => Features: = Added CVars for minimal kills and for No Points Lose Mode.(please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change). = V.1.6.1 (05/10/11): => Fix: = Fixed silent triggers. When turned on, no chat was being displayed. (thanks away000) = V.1.6.2 (05/12/11): => Fix: = Fixed not checking if client was 0 in some Events. Also changed the way is checked the cvar rankme_rankbots. (thanks Sn@ke92) = V.1.6.3 (05/13/11): => Features: = Added command resetrank_all. = V.1.6.4 (05/14/11): => Fix: = Fixed RoundEnd points given announce on chat. Wrong parameter for client. (thanks Paaf) = V.1.6.5 (05/17/11): => Features: = Now possible for not showing in chat the points changes.(please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars). (thanks Smexy) = V.1.7.0 (05/29/11): => Features: = Added cvar for setting the minimum players needed to start giving points. (thanks sajmon83) = Added cvar for allowing players to reset their own ranks. (thanks sajmon83 and Smoflydc) = Added cvar for showing the rank command for all. (thanks sajmon8 and, Smexy) = Added kills on rank commands. (thanks Smexy) = Added polish translation. (big thanks SilvErr) = Please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change). => Fix: = Fixed array out of bounds on line 765. (thanks Parpayol and Lucky_luck) = V.1.7.1 (05/29/11): => Fix: = Fixed wrong client index. (thanks Lucky_luck) = V.1.7.2 (05/30/11): => Fix: = Fixed array out of bounds. Now, i think i fixed they all (thanks Lucky_luck) = V.1.7.3 (05/31/11): => Fix: = Fixed array out of bounds on line 808. (thanks Lucky_luck) = Fixed NotRanked translation. PT was set as EN. (thanks Whist) (because the translation file has changed, is needed map change).